Thursday, February 2, 2012

Little Cowboys are so Cute!

This is for my Nephew's room he will be arriving into this world later this month! I am so excited but sad because I will be 1400 miles away :(  I know for sure he will be a great Cowboy! What else is to be expected when both his parents have made it to the National Finals!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Not a Blogger!, can you tell?

So I have only made a handful of post since beginning my blog in 2009! :) I think it is safe to say I am not a "blogger" but same as with last year I will say that I will try to be a better blogger this year and we will see how that goes!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cattle Drive

This is a sticker on the back of the feed truck
I just love how it is all beaten and torn and dirty
the best part is
Made in the USA

 This is my Grandmother she just turned 90 and helped with the cattle drive!!! She still feeds cattle every morning, I hope I am as active as she is when I get older!

Swierc Family

Erin and I go back to the Rodeo Queen days. (long ago) I was so excited that she asked me to take pictures of her family! They where so sweet together.  Erin is a women with many talents too. She makes clothes and hair pieces so if you need to contact her let me know and I will hook you up to a girl that can make some crazy cute stuff for you!

 She was adorable "flying" everywhere!

 Someday I want to get a sunset picture of my family like this!